“Although Nigel Latta is right to argue that her death is tragic under any circumstances and that she is much more than just a ‘sex worker’, the sad reality is that the profession is harmful and dangerous, and more and more vulnerable people are becoming victims because of theContinue Reading Aaron Gilmore was not even a teenager when he was sexually abused by a family friend he regarded as a second mother. But when he reported it to police years later they told him they couldn’t see what crime had taken place. He never reported that abuse or namedContinue Reading For instance, a study found high rates of PTSD and depression in firefighters. Likewise, approximately 100,000 active police officers in the United States suffer from PTSD, and many also live with the comorbidities of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, and you’ll likely find that most of them try toContinue Reading

Women Are Posting Pictures to Challenge a Stereotype About PTSD The idea started with a disappointing online search. While researching for a piece about trigger warnings, Cissy White realized when she searched for images under “post-traumatic stress disorder” (PTSD), the top results showed exclusively men in uniform. Given that women are more thanContinue Reading Labour’s sexual violence spokesperson, Mrs Williams has called for radical reform of the sexual justice system which would see rape accusers believed by police as a starting point. This would place the burden of proof on the accused – directly contradicting the philosophy of “innocent until proven guilty”. MsContinue Reading Deakin’s arrest reveals one of the darkest corners of the internet, where pedophiles in the US., Europe and elsewhere pay facilitators in the Philippines to sexually abuse children, even babies, directing their moves through online lifestreaming services. This relatively new crime, webcam sex tourism, is spreading rapidly. The UnitedContinue Reading To trigger something is therefore not just to bring it about in some general sense, but to cause it in a way that is mechanical and automatic, like a reflex. Pollen is an asthma trigger because it sets off muscle contractions in the airways among people who are sensitiveContinue Reading