Psychology lacks a theoretical foundation

Psychology lacks a theoretical foundation To be science, there must be a theoretical foundation. What does psychology lack? A theoretical foundation. In fact, the only true theoretical foundation of psychology is widely derided by psychologists and psychiatrists alike, yet much of the world can only name one person in the field – and that person is Dr. Sigmund Freud,…

Social media may be hurting your mental health

Social media may be hurting your mental health

Find yourself checking social media multiple times a day? It may be hurting your mental health: — Cleveland Clinic (@ClevelandClinic) January 16, 2017 1. Social media use can cause feelings of diminished self-worth On social media, people tend to show off only the best parts or moments of their lives. Dr. Bea says…

Prevention. Intervention. Recovery – the keys to stopping child sexual abuse and its lifelong effects.

Prevention. Intervention. Recovery – the keys to stopping child sexual abuse and its lifelong effects.

We all want to prevent child sexual abuse in our families. But do we know how? #StopAbuse #Parenting — Stop Abuse Campaign (@AbuseStoppers) February 19, 2017 Prevention. Intervention. Recovery – the keys to stopping child sexual abuse and its lifelong effects. Most of us would agree that preventing a problem before it starts is…

Art therapy helps abused children

Art therapy helps abused children Artistic self-expression may be the best therapy for victims of childhood sexual abuse, finds a new study from the Universities of Bristol and Durham in the United Kingdom. The study analyzes the impact of a program offered by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), called “Letting the Future In.”…

Denial exists in any disorder caused by trauma

Denial exists in any disorder caused by trauma

Denial is a psychological way of coping – find out how denial is a part of trauma and dissociative disorders… — TraumaDissociation (@TraumaDID) September 27, 2014 Denial is common in Dissociative Identity Disorder, and exists in any disorder caused by trauma. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism,[1]:24 it plays a role in keeping the…

Actions driven solely by anger are of no use at all

Actions driven solely by anger are of no use at all

Actions driven solely by anger are of no use at all; realizing this can help strengthen your determination to resist it. — Dalai Lama Quotes (@DalaiLamaPosts) September 9, 2014 What turns anger into action? Mostly cognitive control, or to use a less technical term, self-control. About a year ago I was in Davos at…