10 Things Not to Do with Narcissists

http://bit.ly/2Y4k6eu 1. Don’t give them ammunition. Narcissists need to feel superior. Anything you share with narcissists may eventually be used to humiliate or manipulate you. 2. Don’t take them at face value. Image is everything to narcissists. Narcissists lie easily and often seem entirely convinced of even their most preposterous lies. 3. Don’t try to…

Narcissistic people are more likely to be attracted to ordained ministry

Narcissistic people are more likely to be attracted to ordained ministry

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/07/13/church-considers-psychometric-tests-experts-raise-fears-clergy/ The Church of England could administer personality tests for trainee priests amid fears it appoints too many narcissists. The Church is examining ways to analyse the personalities of new priests to in an effort to understand the types of people it is attracting. New tests set to be considered by bishops next year could…

Narcissist :Reacts Poorly to Criticism

Narcissist :Reacts Poorly to Criticism

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/communication-success/201807/5-ways-narcissists-compensate-their-inferiority “How dare her tell me I’m wrong – she’s a nobody!” ― Anonymous An easy way to spot a narcissist’s fragile ego is to observe the way with which he or she reacts to criticism, even when such comments are offered diplomatically, reasonably, and constructively. Most mature adults are able to take fair criticisms…

Does the West have a self-obsession problem?

Does the West have a self-obsession problem?

https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/7/19/17518086/selfie-will-storr-book-psychology-west That’s a great question, and the answer is both yes and no. In the book, I argue that the West is basically an individualist culture, and that causes us all sorts of problems. On the one hand, putting all the focus on the individual as the locus of success can be a good thing…

Meditation can indeed be narcissistic

Meditation can indeed be narcissistic

https://qz.com/1307380/yoga-and-meditation-boost-your-ego-say-psychology-researchers/ These findings suggest that spiritual Buddhist practices like yoga and meditation may not do what proponents typically say they do, according to the study authors. “Ego-quieting is a central element of yoga philosophy and Buddhism alike. That element, and its presumed implications, require serious rethinking,” they write. “Moreover, ego-quieting is often called upon to…

What processes in early childhood lead individuals to become who they are?

What processes in early childhood lead individuals to become who they are?

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201802/3-core-facets-narcissism-malignant-adaptive That ironic tendency of narcissism to become a topic demanding constant attention was aptly summarized by Zlatan Krizan and Anne Herlache of Iowa State University, who note in the opening of their 2018 study that “the narcissistic personality stubbornly persists in puzzling psychologists attempting to understand it, all the while perplexing clinicians attempting to…

Tales of narcissism

Tales of narcissism

It's not the affair that bothers me. It's the cover-up and the entire system within it. Donald Trump, a Playboy Model, and a System for Concealing Infidelity https://t.co/Whxxsmz9Pz — Clay Jones (@claytoonz) February 17, 2018 McDougal ended the relationship in April, 2007, after nine months. According to Crawford, the breakup was prompted in part by…

Don’t Feed the Troll ( High Conflict Person )

Don’t Feed the Troll ( High Conflict Person )

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/5-types-people-who-can-ruin-your-life/201802/are-you-target-blame-narcissist Here’s a few tips for dealing with them and getting out of their cross-hairs: 1. Don’t diss the narcissist! While it’s very tempting to insult narcissists right back and tell them how stupid they are and what losers they really are, this doesn’t help. Surprisingly, they can’t handle that and will typically escalate their…

Entitled people act against common good

Entitled people act against common good

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-new-resilience/201801/why-entitled-people-will-disregard-rules-others-follow For this study, this, researchers Emily Zitek and Alexander Jordan first pointed out in this summary (link is external)that previous studies found that “entitled” people—technically, individuals with a higher sense of entitlement – are more likely to believe they deserve preferences and resources that others don’t. And, that they are also less concerned about…

Entitled people act against common good

Entitled people act against common good

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-new-resilience/201801/why-entitled-people-will-disregard-rules-others-follow For this study, this, researchers Emily Zitek and Alexander Jordan first pointed out in this summary (link is external)that previous studies found that “entitled” people—technically, individuals with a higher sense of entitlement – are more likely to believe they deserve preferences and resources that others don’t. And, that they are also less concerned about…