PR company – similar to AMF Media Group – is so committed to its clients, it has introduced a psychotherapy service to its offering. Quite Great, which is strong in the music sector, has formed a partnership with psychotherapist Helen Brice to help musicians overcome the day to dayContinue Reading The duck’s human introduced him to their fellow, now-amused passengers: This was Daniel Turducken Stinkerbutt, or Daniel for short. He is a 4 1/2-year-old Indian Runner duck and is her emotional support animal, she explained. “I heard a few maybe semi-critical mutterings, like, ‘Now I’ve seen everything,’ ” EssigContinue Reading Michael Quinn, 33, an IVF geneticist from Melbourne, was caught in May in LA in a sting set up by US authorities who posed as paedophiles and a pimp offering to supply him with a six-year-old boy to rape for $US250 ($A330). Quinn, who played for the Melbourne Chargers,Continue Reading Ms Huxham told the court she has been diagnosed with PTSD and other anxiety related disorders, had struggled to find work and hadn’t used public transport since the incident. “So when people ask me how this has affected my life it can pretty much be summed up in oneContinue Reading

Hedren appeared in The Birds in 1963 and the following year starred in Marnie – both of which were directed by Hitchcock. The actress, now 86, made the claims in her autobiography Tippi: A Memoir, which is published in November. She has spoken in the past about the director’s allegedContinue Reading When a man gropes you on a subway. If a stranger tells you to smile as you walk down the street. When someone calls you a bitch because you turned them down at a bar. The decision of whether to speak up or push back is made in aContinue Reading In response to Donald Trump’s brags about sexually assaulting women, thousands have followed the lead of author Kelly Oxford in sharing the stories of their own experiences as victims of assault. The hashtag (#notokay) got responses at a rate of 50 tweets per minute from others who shared theirContinue Reading A young girl was repeatedly tied up and locked in the garden shed or a plastic box in the garage and abused by her parents in what police have described as one of the most sickening cases they have seen. The father and mother are today due to beContinue Reading