When peeking in your brain may help with mental illness — ScienceDaily According to lead author Dudek, their review found that when people were shown their own brain patterns in real time, they were able to regulate activity in specific regions of the brain. “This training, known as neurofeedback, offersContinue Reading

The Homestead Otaki

Thursday 18 March – Sunday 21 March 2021 Peter Crosland – cell 027-281-6272 Email: crosland@actrix.co.nz Stephen Harrison – cell 021-55-450 Email: stephen@harrison.co.nz This Summer 2021 Weekend for Men will be held at the Homestead at Forest Lakes just north of Otaki on the Kapiti Coast. The Homestead can comfortably accommodateContinue Reading

Dana C. Branson (from 2019) notes that vicarious trauma (VT) is often used to refer to the “unique, negative, and accumulative changes” that may impact clinicians engaged in empathetic client relationships. Branson notes that within this context, characteristics and physical symptoms may include unwelcome thoughts or imagery induced by clientContinue Reading

Underreporting may also be linked to community assumptions of male survivors as future perpetrators, homosexual or emotionally weak. For a man to disclose being victimised, he exposes himself to this questioning both internally and externally. Homophobia (personal and public) can inhibit men disclosing sexual abuse and seeking assistance. If abusedContinue Reading

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/01/210121150929.htm “How we think about who we’re going to be in old age is very predictive of exactly how we will be,” said Shelbie Turner, a doctoral student in OSU’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences and co-author on the study. Previous studies on aging have found that howContinue Reading