A central issue in managing adult ADHD is navigating transitions. Throughout a day, most of us switch roles or steer between different sorts of tasks. In many cases, these switches occur within a single domain, such as different work duties or homework assignments. In other cases, there may be domain switches, suchContinue Reading

When your narcissist is a romantic partner, you may have experienced the “love bombing” stage—that totally over-the-top romantic start of the relationship when you were bombarded with small and big gestures of love. This might include messages about being “soulmates,” that they were “waiting for you all my life” orContinue Reading


“We are truly committed to having a safer Aotearoa New Zealand for all, and especially for women and our tamariki,” Marama Davidson said. Prevention and community leadership key in Budget 2021 family violence, sexual violence funding | Beehive.govt.nz Budget 2021 includes an investment of $131.9 million over four years inContinue Reading

Budget 2021 includes investment of $131.9 million over four years in initiatives to help communities to leadwhānau-centred, holistic services focused on preventing family violence and sexual violence from happening inthe first place, and helping those using violence to stop Budget-2021-FVSV-Summary-of-Initiatives-FINAL.pdf (violencefree.govt.nz)Continue Reading


Most perpetrators of SV against males are white, heterosexual men, and married or in long-term relationships with women. Male survivors of sexual assault and abuse | Columns | taosnews.com One of the most under-reported crimes in the U.S. is sexual assault/abuse (SV) of boys and men. Whether because of shame,Continue Reading

Gay-identifying and same-sex attracted men face the doubly silencing effects of stigma surroundingchild sexual abuse and homophobia (Lew, 2004). Improving policy and practice responses for men sexually abused in childhood (malesurvivor.nz) Homophobia (personal and public) acts as a major inhibitor of men disclosing child sexual abuseand seeking any form ofContinue Reading


Therefore, people are predisposed to reveal they have secrets to demonstrate they are superior to those who do not. Why Keeping Secrets Heightens Anxiety and Depression | Psychology Today Keeping secrets causes emotional distress depending on its nature and sensitivity. It can trigger depression, anxiety, and poor overall personal health. To maintainContinue Reading