The Feeling Store, which first opened in August 2013, offers various ways for customers to get in touch with their emotions while sipping their latte. One key program is the Feeling Box, an exhibition of 40 different boxes labeled with emotions like “afraid” or “brave.” Customers are encouraged toContinue Reading

What do you want to forget? Many of us wonder how we can forget the past an #relationships — Carrie (@_carrienet_) August 10, 2016 Many of us wonder how we can forget the past and all the painful memories that come along with it. If only amnesia wasContinue Reading August 8, 1922, is the birthdate of Leon Eisenberg, the psychiatrist and medical educator who was one of the first physicians in the world to study autism scientifically. Eisenberg was as much a humanist as scientist, and as such, was an early advocate of using drugs to treat childContinue Reading Is your child moody, quieter than usual and disinterested in everything around him/her? Maybe it’s time to play closer attention. Mr. and Mrs. Sharma were surprised to find their 15-year-old son, Ryan, still sleeping instead of getting ready for school in the morning. On trying to get him toContinue Reading It all started when Kirsten Powers of USA Today asked Donald Trump about the other appalling, victim-blaming comments he’s made about the more than 20 women, including former anchor Gretchen Carlson, who said they were sexually harassed by former Fox CEO Roger Ailes. Trump said last month that heContinue Reading