Are mental health problems created by our genes?

Are mental health problems created by our genes? Shared from Google News & Weather “Genes play an important role because they establish the general tendency within which a person responds to the environment,” says Professor Richie Poulton, head of the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit at the University of Otago. “That gene-environment…

Premature death rate among those with mental health problems 2.4 times higher

Mental health early deaths 'worrying in one in four areas' – BBC News — Kyle MacDonald (@kylemacd) December 2, 2015 Nearly one in four areas of England has unacceptably high rates of early deaths among people with mental health problems, a report suggests. The warning by independent experts funded by the Cabinet Office came…

Increase in mental health patients seeking emergency help The number of mental health patients seeking help at hospital emergency departments has significantly increased in the past four years, symptomatic of a “neglected health system under strain”, the Labour Party says. Figures obtained by the party under the Official Information Act, showed that across nine District Health Boards (DHBs), patients needing emergency support…

42% of all cigarettes smoked in England by people with mental health problems The figure is stark: 42% of all cigarettes smoked in England are consumed by people with mental health problems. So while the life expectancy of the general population continues to climb, those with a severe mental health problem have their lives cut short by up to 30 years – in part due to smoking….

The Platform Trust

Platform Trust Platform Trust supports a network of organisations that believe a modern mental health system requires strong community-based supports for people with mental illness and addictions. We encourage sector collaboration and provide a contact point for nationwide feedback on issues relating to mental health and addiction non government organisations (NGOs). Our vision A flourishing,…