On January 1st, 2016 at Picton, New Zealand, heading East counter-clockwise on foot, solo and unsupported, an endurance-defying attempt by veteran and World Record holder Christopher Neil Linton (53), aka The Earth Walk Man, to become the first person in recorded history to circumambulate [walk] the entire picturesque NorthContinue Reading A case study The Sydney murder of Morgan Huxley by 22-year-old Daniel Jack Kelsall, who arguably shows all the hallmarks of a psychopath, highlights the differences between psychopaths and sociopaths. In 2013, Kelsall followed Huxley home where he indecently assaulted the 31-year-old before stabbing him 28 times. Kelsall showedContinue Reading Six Signs of a Sociopath Behaves in harsh and/or hurtful ways, and then expects you to have no reaction; to act like it never happened. Manipulates others, either from the sidelines or directly. Treats you very differently at different times or different days, for no apparent reason. Lies easilyContinue Reading Classic and contemporary research on person perception has demonstrated the paramount importance of interpersonal warmth. Recent research on embodied cognition has shown these feelings of social warmth or coldness can be induced by experiences of physical warmth or coldness, and vice versa. Here we show that people tend toContinue Reading Do aromatherapy essential oils really pack healing power, or do they just smell nice? In fact, they do both and they’re widely available from lots of suppliers like Rouh Essentials. Essential oils can be used within a diffuser to make any room smell fragrant and they can also beContinue Reading