A hazing ritual forced Chinese female flight attendants into overhead bins http://t.co/TSp2iPTtXD pic.twitter.com/hDnIr6vhFc – Stuff.co.nz News (@NZStuff) October 13, 2015 At China Southern Airlines, worthy candidates must be no older than 24 and above average height. At Hong Kong Airlines, they have to master kung fu. And at Kunming Airlines,Continue Reading

https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22830424-400-why-resurgence-of-therapy-that-unearths-lost-memories-is-risky/ Myers underwent recovered-memory therapy, which coaches people into “remembering” things from their past, often while hypnotised or under the influence of strong tranquilisers. The approach is now shunned by most mainstream professionals because of the danger of creating false memories – leading patients to recall events that didn’t actuallyContinue Reading

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-a-francis/how-to-beat-workplace-str_b_8201590.html Most of us do not listen closely when we’re engaged in conversation. Stephen Covey once said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” We are usually thinking about how to interject our opinion, or of something entirely different. ToContinue Reading

http://freepsychotherapybooks.org The International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI) has created a website, freepsychotherapybooks.org where there is free downloading of titles in psychotherapy, psychiatry and psychoanalysis. Around 1440 Johannes Gutenberg devised a printing system that made books less expensive and changed the world. Free ebooks will do the same. Ebooks have no costsContinue Reading

http://www.vox.com/2015/10/5/9451689/benefits-of-psychotherapy It seems this is a big problem in the research around treatments for depression. In 2008, researchers looked at studies on antidepressants for a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine. They found that the medicine’s benefits had been exaggerated in the scientific literature because of publication bias.Continue Reading

http://www.alternet.org/sex-amp-relationships/are-sex-and-porn-addiction-bs Porn addiction does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders. And yet the label seems to pop up everywhere. Many people will tell you that watching sites like https://www.hdmmovies.xxx/ can become addictive, but without any valid evidence, why should anyone take their word as gospel?Continue Reading

The psychological origins of procrastination – and how we can stop putting things off http://t.co/cmvI21nkYk pic.twitter.com/Zb8mG4wugh — The Conversation (@ConversationUK) October 11, 2015 When we write that procrastination is a side effect of the way we value things, it frames task completion as a product of motivation, rather than ability.Continue Reading