The campaign “Unforgettable Costa Rica” consists of a website that in the past four months has been promoted in dating websites and sex forums using fake accounts. Posts and messages invite users to visit the website to find “the youngest girls,” aiming to attract sex predators. Clicking on one ofContinue Reading In Australia there have been 1132 recorded shark attacks since 1941. Of those, 968 involved men and only 64 involved women (there were also 100 attacks without a victim’s gender recorded). For every 100 shark attacks, a little over six will involve women, according to data from the globalContinue Reading

Health officials have joined chorus of critics advising against coconut oil — nzherald (@nzherald) October 29, 2015 Coconut oil has been given a new black mark by the health establishment, with the Health Ministry and its nutrition advisers the latest to advise striking it from recipes for the goodContinue Reading

Twitter offers valuable insights into the experience of MRI patients — (@PsyPost) October 29, 2015 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can be a stressful experience for many people, but clinicians have few ways to track the thoughts and feelings of their patients regarding this procedure. While the socialContinue Reading