
Do your best and let go of the results.

Let go, let it happen, keep it simple, be kind, and enjoy life.

Wu Wei: 4 Simple Steps to Mastering the Taoist Art of Actionless Action (unbrokenself.com)

We are responsible for our actions but not for the results of our actions.

Why? Because every result in life is dependent not on a single cause, but on a multiplicity of causes that are outside of our control. It doesn’t make sense to worry about what we don’t and can’t control. That’s a recipe for a life of misery. Just accept that there’s a greater whole in life; a field of potentiality that ultimately takes care of everything anyway, even if the immediate results are not what we might have wanted.

Whatever happens in life happens because it couldn’t have been any other way. This single understanding, if fully realised, is almost all you need to live a stress-free life. It’s the essence of Karma yoga. Do your best, and let life take care of the rest.

Wu Wei: 4 Simple Steps to Mastering the Taoist Art of Actionless Action (unbrokenself.com)