In Deep Water, assault survivor David McMahon reveals the impact the attack had on him. And he was one of the lucky ones. “He was dragged across the cliffs of Bondi and almost thrown off, but escaped. His attack became really significant because it was only a couple monthsContinue Reading

#Vatican stuns Catholics by saying gays have “gifts & qualities to offer” #Catholic #LGBT — News (@NZStuff) October 13, 2014 The document, prepared after a week of discussions at an assembly of 200 bishops on the family, said the Church should challenge itself to find “a fraternalContinue Reading

Stigma is dead. Stigma was eradicated years and years ago in many people who suffer from no-fault biological diseases. For example, stigma used to exist in men with prostate cancer and women with breast cancer. It also existed in people with no illness at all: gays, lesbians, the left-handed andContinue Reading