Walk with us – clear evidence that investing in purposeful peer support rebuilds the lives of male survivors

Tuatoko Tāne Aotearoa has released its Social Investment Proposal in support of a request for increased Government funding to sustain the capability and capacity of its national network of support services for male survivors of sexual abuse. The proposal provides solid evidence of the positive impacts of peer support and demonstrates that every dollar invested…

Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa publishes a brief history of the last ten years developing a national network to enable the wellbeing of New Zealand male survivors of sexual violence.

The publication, Coming In From The Cold, includes the experiences of 26 male survivors, generously shared by Tautoko Tāne staff and clients with editor Bex De Prospo Carr and ably crafted by her pen. The history is summarised in four seasonal essays contributed by Tautoko Tāne Lead Educator, Fiona Clapham Howard, who is also a…