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Te Tahua Mā Ngā Whakahaere i Ngā Hapori – Community Organisation Grants Scheme
The Community Organisation Grants Scheme or COGS provides grants to non-profit organisations delivering community-based social services that contribute to achieving locally-determined outcomes.
COGS Grants
COGS provides grants to non-profit community groups and organisations delivering community-based social services, projects and events. Grants are one-off contributions for:
Lotteries Community
Lottery Community grants are available for not-for-profit organisations with a community or social service focus for ongoing operating costs or projects which help improve the quality of people’s lives in their communities.
A Lottery Community committee looks at the outcomes of your project or services and how they will benefit your community and help:
Each Lottery Community committee determines the outcomes and priorities it wants to achieve from the investment of the grant money available in its area.
Foundation North
enhance the lives of the people
Tā tātou whāinga | Our purpose
A Lottery Community committee looks at the outcomes of your project or services and how they will benefit your community and help:
Ministry of Social Development
enhance the lives of the people
Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
The aim is to provide services for male survivors of sexual abuse (MSSA) that are:
Ngā kaupapa atawhai – Better Blokes is a Registered Charity
Better Blokes is supported by charitable foundations and government contracts. Each of these organizations requires that we maintain charitable registration. Better Blokes has been registered as Charity Number CC43643 since February 17, 2010.