Poutoa Papali’i, of Better Blokes South Auckland, shares his experience of being on the ground at the rugby with teams and supporters from around the nation attending the tournament this last Saturday. I was fortunate to be able to promote Better Blokes Male Survivors. The event organizers provided me withContinue Reading

Male Survivors Aotearoa publishes part one of a research study on effective support services for male suriviors of sexual violence. Part two is expected to be published by mid 2023. https://malesurvivor.nz/news/research-article-living-or-merely-existing-the-experiences-of-male-surivors-of-historical-sexual-abuse-in-aotearoa-new-zealand/Continue Reading

Ohio (as in last week’s post) or NZ, regrettably stories of abuse are widespread He faces over 26 charges in relation to alleged offending against six boys between the 1980s and 2010s. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/former-scouts-nz-leader-on-trial-for-alleged-sexual-abuse-of-boys/HFHLYQDSCTZZVYEP7DRN3ZH7GI/Continue Reading

Victims in the process of recovery, rebuilding from past losses and hurts “I hid from it for decades,” said Nash … “I felt like the child in me that had been molested and abused had ran and hid in a cave,” Muhammad said. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/2022/10/13/ohio-boy-scout-sexual-abuse-survivor-seek-statute-of-limitations-law-child-molest-bankruptcy/65711454007/Continue Reading

Grappling with the issue and changes and progress being made Cricket Australia’s chair Lachlan Henderson said historical child sex abuse was “an appalling issue” that society and many sports, including cricket, were grappling with. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/sport/475995/australia-board-apologises-to-survivors-of-child-sexual-abuseContinue Reading

Opening up further conversations, now in Wellington She [a person on the walk] hoped that not only other women, but men, would also feel supported in addressing their trauma to feel the weight of the abuse lift like it had for her, once she started to process and understand herContinue Reading

Peer Support – a reciprocal relationship with benefits for both men – is one option for creating a meaningful and strong social connection “And it’s not a matter of how many [meaningful, strong social connnnections] they had, it’s a matter of the strength of those, the meaningfulness of them. ItContinue Reading

Opening conversations: Have you been abused? Do you know someone who has? Two Auckland sisters have walked more than 200 kilometres through Northland to “help people break their silence” about sexual abuse. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/the-reosa-walk-sisters-trek-through-northland-to-highlight-sexual-abuse/5UTWLPR4XAAZRV2AU3HPRSXPEE/Continue Reading