4. CARL JUNG’S WORK HAD A MAJOR INFLUENCE ON BRIGGS. Everything changed after Briggs discovered Carl Jung’s 1921 book, Psychological Types. Simplified, Jung argues that human consciousness has two perceiving “function-types” (sensation and intuition) and two judging “function-types” (thinking and feeling), which are moderated by a person’s introversion or extraversion.Continue Reading

http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/93264790/authorities-accuse-beauty-salons-of-breaching-employees-rights-migrant-workers-at-some-nail-salons-complain-of-long-hours-and-abuse If your manicure costs $10, who is really paying the price? Wellington’s Infuse Beauty Spa director Helene Brownie said she has previously hired three migrant workers who applied for jobs with her secretively – telling her they needed a new sponsor as they were trying to escape exploitative salonsContinue Reading