Idealisation of celebrity and the avoidance of truth

Idealisation of celebrity and the avoidance of truth An ego defense similar to splitting is idealization. Like the positive end of splitting, idealization involves overestimating the positive attributes of a person, object, or idea while underestimating its negative attributes. More fundamentally, it involves the projection of our needs and desires onto that person, object, or idea. A paradigm of idealization is infatuation,…

Internal Coherence is Not Truth

Internal Coherence is Not Truth Second, science is unusual compared to other social enterprises such as religion and fashion design in having a remarkable amount of agreement among its practitioners. Although there are many controversies in physics, chemistry, and biology concerning the best theories, there is also remarkable agreement about central theories such as relativity and quantum theory in…

“We demand that sex speak the truth,” wrote Foucault in The History of Sexuality.

“We demand that sex speak the truth,” wrote Foucault in The History of Sexuality. In 1976, the French philosopher Michel Foucault made the meticulously researched case that sexuality is a social construct used as a form of control. In the 40 years since, society has been busy constructing sexualities. Alongside the traditional orientations of heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual, a myriad other options now exist in the lexicon, including:…

#Dark #truth #Bali #orphanages

#Dark #truth #Bali #orphanages

Herald Sun: Dark truth about Bali orphanages. FOREIGNERS and locals are setting up orphanages in Bali under the guise of helping local children but allowing a more sinister activity to occur in the form of paedophilia and sexual abuse by staff members. Former Victorian police officer Glen Hulley, who runs Project Karma, a…

Gaslighting: Facts and truth are irrelevant

Gaslighting: Facts and truth are irrelevant When confronted by one of his blatant falsehoods, Stephens notes, Trump often doesn’t even attempt to back up what he said. He’ll simply reply that “many people say I’m right,” transforming the argument into a test of personal credibility and effectively denying the validity of what is usually known as “facts.” “It’s important not…