Long history of offenders protecting offenders

Long history of offenders protecting offenders

Trump, often criticised for rubbing salt in national wounds rather than healing them, continued: “What happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency and due process. Our country, a man or woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.” Clarence Thomas, who was confirmed to the court in 1991…

Not only will she not be humiliated – she will humiliate him.

Not only will she not be humiliated – she will humiliate him.

https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2018/sep/19/donald-trump-mushroom-acceptable-to-laugh But enough of him (and little him), let’s look at Stormy Daniels herself. I am currently listening to a podcast (so zeitgeisty, me) called Slow Burn, which examines the Bill Clinton impeachment scandal. Now, if anyone out there needs a reminder in how women accused of having affairs with male politicians are traditionally treated,…

Trumps bragging triggers survivors

Trumps bragging triggers survivors

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-middle-ground/201610/sexual-assault-stories-flood-the-internet-now-the-next-step In response to Donald Trump’s brags about sexually assaulting women, thousands have followed the lead of author Kelly Oxford in sharing the stories of their own experiences as victims of assault. The hashtag (#notokay) got responses at a rate of 50 tweets per minute from others who shared their own assault stories. Many, who…

Social media and tribalism

Social media and tribalism

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/28/musk-trump-and-a-mass-psychology-effect-both-successfully-exploit.html Experts who study the psychological dynamics of “tribes” — groups that hold a family-like, emotional connection and ideology — say Musk and Trump have used similarly strong and extreme online rhetoric to galvanize massive and unwavering fleets of supporters. “It goes all the way back to pretty basic studies of group behavior, where people…

Trauma occurs when the child is separated from its primary caregiver.

Trauma occurs when the child is separated from its primary caregiver.

The issue is not whether the child's nappy is being changed or whether it is being fed. The trauma occurs when the child is separated from its primary caregiver. There is a wealth of evidence to show what that trauma does to children. https://t.co/P9M9a72eDJ — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 19, 2018

#Trump #hypocrisy #Franken

#Trump #hypocrisy #Franken

http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/360984-trump-risks-hypocrisy-charges-with-franken-attack Trump’s senior aides and advisers have been swamped with questions about why the president is comfortable attacking Franken when more than a dozen women have made similar accusations about him. And Trump’s critics are howling about a double standard, pointing to the “Access Hollywood” tape and noting that the president has stopped short of…

#27 #Shrinks #Think #Trump #Nuts

#27 #Shrinks #Think #Trump #Nuts

These 27 Top Shrinks Think Trump Might Be Nuts. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwoI7FmzY https://www.thedailybeast.com/these-27-top-shrinks-think-trump-might-be-nuts Their essays are collected in a powerful new book called The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, which hits bookstores on Oct 2. They warn that the Trump effect has created a “malignant normalcy,” a collective psychological anesthesia. It’s the kind of hush that falls…