Preventing Retraumatization: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS)

Preventing Retraumatization: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS)

A Macro Social Work Approach to Trauma-Informed Practices & Policies Secondary traumatic stress can follow exposure to another’s experience of trauma, resulting in emotional distress and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is as if we take in a portion of the trauma that the other has survived. Unlike burnout, which is a…

7 Ways to Avoid Re-Traumatizing A Trauma Victim

7 Ways to Avoid Re-Traumatizing A Trauma Victim 1 Do not force the person to talk about the trauma:  Forcing someone to talk about a terrible event is making someone re-live the experience and all of the negative emotions that come with it. Some people just aren’t ready to open that box of worms. The person pressuring the individual to open up…

Looks like narcissism  but it might be trauma

Looks like narcissism but it might be trauma

Are You Being Gaslighted By a Narcissist? | Psychology Today Your gaslighter may have personality traits, or a personality disorder, which is not narcissism but which stems from a point of past trauma and fear. For instance, if your partner has abandonment issues, they may find all kinds of manipulative ways of making you stay with them—including gaslighting. In this…

Increasing time asleep immediately after trauma may ease negative consequences

Increasing time asleep immediately after trauma may ease negative consequences Increasing the amount of time spent asleep immediately after a traumatic experience may ease any negative consequences, suggests a new study conducted by researchers at Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine. Published today in Scientific Reports, the study helps build a case for the use of sleep therapeutics following trauma exposure, said…

Understanding Traumatic Stress vs Anxiety

Understanding Traumatic Stress vs Anxiety,problems%2C%20to%20new%20life%20changes%2C%20to%20internal%20experiences. Trauma is a specific type of stress that reflects exposure to terrible events generally outside the range of daily human experience that are emotionally painful, intense, and distressing. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition2, there are specific criteria for what qualifies as a traumatic event: “Exposure to actual or threatened…

6 Ways Trauma Might Inform Your Current Life

6 Ways Trauma Might Inform Your Current Life

6 Ways Trauma Might Inform Your Current Life — Better Blokes (@BetterBlokesNZ) March 9, 2020 We all know that trauma tends to repeat itself across generations. Perhaps there’s some epigenetic piece to this, but there is no doubt as to the role of direct trauma and stress as well. If you (or those closest…

People with Depersonalization Disorder may describe some of these experiences or feelings:

People with Depersonalization Disorder may describe some of these experiences or feelings: #dissociation #depersonalization & #derealization – understanding #unreality and #feelingunreal #dpdr — Trauma Dissociation (@TraumaDID) December 7, 2019 Many people with this disorder have a history of childhood trauma; particularly emotional abuse and emotional neglect. Other known factors include witnessing domestic violence, by raised by a parent with serious mental illness or the sudden death…

Trauma is irreversible. How it shapes us is our choice. | Sasha Joseph Neulinger | TEDxBozeman

Sasha Joseph Neulinger speaks about his journey in life as a survivor of multi-generational sexual abuse. Sasha Joseph Neulinger is a native of Pennsylvania who moved to Montana to pursue a BFA in Film Production from Montana State University. He is the Co-Founder and Head of Production at Step 1 Films which has a mission…

Dolph Lundgren: You had all of the escape plans going on

Dolph Lundgren: You had all of the escape plans going on You had all of the escape plans going on. Escape behavior. How can I not have to deal with this feeling of being unsafe? Because if you’re a kid and you’re afraid of getting beat up by your parent or parents, then you’re afraid all the time. You’re never really quite relaxed, and that…