Exalted: from victim to warrior | Danielle McFarlin | TEDxTucson

Coming of age in the sleepy town of Nogales, Arizona, author Danielle McFarlin tells her story of how she transformed the devastating shadows of her early childhood sexual abuse into a path for spiritual warriorhood. Growing up in the border town of Nogales, Arizona, McFarlin was inspired to use her own journey through abuse and…

Shattering the silence on sexual assault | Aaron Stone | TEDxSanAntonio

Male-on-male sexual assaults are more prominent than we would like to admit, yet it remains taboo within our society. Americans expect their men to be the aggressors or initiators in a sexual relationship, which is why they are afraid to admit to others they have been sexually assaulted. Male rape survivors should be able to…

Exalted: from victim to warrior | Danielle McFarlin | TEDxTucson

Coming of age in the sleepy town of Nogales, Arizona, author Danielle McFarlin tells her story of how she transformed the devastating shadows of her early childhood sexual abuse into a path for spiritual warriorhood. Growing up in the border town of Nogales, Arizona, McFarlin was inspired to use her own journey through abuse and…