Management told her she couldn’t speak te reo Māori

Management told her she couldn’t speak te reo Māori A McDonald’s worker is furious and saddened after management told her she couldn’t speak te reo Māori to customers. Hamilton woman Janine Eru-Taueki was informed last Thursday by her manager of the stance, saying the store had received complaints from customers and other staff members and explained speaking te reo Māori could be considered…

This is Aotearoa New Zealand – Dame Susan Devoy

This is Aotearoa New Zealand – Dame Susan Devoy

“Anyone who complains about te reo Māori being used and celebrated in this country need to get one thing straight: this is New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand – so get used to it,” — Dame Susan Devoy — NZ Human Rights Commission (@NZHumanRights) November 24, 2017 A Dunedin man who slammed anyone who supports…