Psychological Horrors of Six-Year War on Syrian Children

Psychological Horrors of Six-Year War on Syrian Children

BREAKING: New Study Documents Psychological Horrors of Six-Year War on Syrian Children #SaveSyriasChildren — Save the Children US (@SavetheChildren) March 6, 2017 Save the Children and its Syrian partners interviewed more than 450 children, adolescents and adults across seven regions in Syria for “Invisible Wounds,” the largest and most comprehensive study undertaken inside…

How Not to Be a Better Bloke: Compare Syrian refugees to Skittles

Donald Trump Jr compares Syrian refugees to Skittles Skittles controversy In the US, each year, you are far more likely to die due to choking on candy than due to a terrorist attack by a refugee 1 in 3,408 chance of choking to death on food 1 in 3,640,000,000 chance of being killed by a refugee…