Emotional support duck

Emotional support duck

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/10/20/daniel-the-emotional-support-duck-takes-his-first-plane-ride-soars-in-popularity/ The duck’s human introduced him to their fellow, now-amused passengers: This was Daniel Turducken Stinkerbutt, or Daniel for short. He is a 4 1/2-year-old Indian Runner duck and is her emotional support animal, she explained. “I heard a few maybe semi-critical mutterings, like, ‘Now I’ve seen everything,’ ” Essig told The Washington Post. “But…

Diversity of beliefs and knowledge is a key element of peer support for male survivors of sexual abuse.

Patients receiving peer counseling 34 percent less likely repeat admission

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-mental-crisis-peers/peer-support-tied-to-fewer-repeat-mental-health-hospitalizations-idUSKCN1M825V Adults who have been hospitalized for psychiatric problems may be less likely to be readmitted when they get support from other patients who went through similar experiences, a UK study suggests. Researchers followed 441 patients for one year after they were discharged from the hospital. All of them received personal recovery workbooks to help…

Emotional support duck

Emotional support duck

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/10/20/daniel-the-emotional-support-duck-takes-his-first-plane-ride-soars-in-popularity/ The duck’s human introduced him to their fellow, now-amused passengers: This was Daniel Turducken Stinkerbutt, or Daniel for short. He is a 4 1/2-year-old Indian Runner duck and is her emotional support animal, she explained. “I heard a few maybe semi-critical mutterings, like, ‘Now I’ve seen everything,’ ” Essig told The Washington Post. “But…

Designed to stop fathers dodging child support obligations

AAAP have been campaigning to remove a section of legislation which penalises sole parents who are unable or… https://t.co/VJCC4osfdx — WAVES Trust (@WAVES_Trust) September 14, 2016 The sanction is designed to stop fathers dodging child support obligations, but the group Auckland Action Against Poverty (AAAP) said it was excessively punitive, and children were the ones…

Presbyterian Support New Zealand (National Office)

Collectively, the seven Presbyterian Support organisations are one of the largest providers of a range of social services in New Zealand. We work with older people, people with disabilities, families at risk, children and young people. Services we provide include residential care, home care, community care and support, day/activity programmes, social work support, counselling, employment…