#Personality#greater #impact #success than #IQ

#Personality#greater #impact #success than #IQ

The Independent: Personality has greater impact on success than IQ, new research suggests. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwuJ-_8Dk http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/personality-iq-success-wealth-factors-determining-prospects-intelligence-careers-james-heckman-a7880376.html How much is a child’s future success determined by innate intelligence? Economist James Heckman says it’s not what people think. He likes to ask educated non-scientists — especially politicians and policy makers — how much of the difference between people’s…

Success: What counts more is productivity

Success: What counts more is productivity

https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/dec/16/are-you-too-old-success-change-your-life-oliver-burkeman To be fair, other studies show age does matter sometimes: maths favours the young; and physical pursuits, such as ballet or athletics, aren’t exactly welcoming to the achy-kneed. Personality also influences the age at which success strikes. The economist David Galenson splits creative geniuses into “conceptual” prodigies such as Picasso – who burst on…