#State #institutions #intellectually #disabled #mistreatment

#State #institutions #intellectually #disabled #mistreatment

Check out @NZHumanRights’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/NZHumanRights/status/891886689605500932?s=09 .@NZHerald editorial: Pressure grows for inquiry into abuse in state care https://t.co/JB9zHu2c3R pic.twitter.com/1Z8WWa7kzf — NZ Human Rights (@NZHumanRights) July 31, 2017 There have now been a series of reports detailing the abuse of New Zealanders while in the care of the state. All make for unsettling reading, and together reveal…

#NewYork #State #medical #marijuana #post-traumatic #stress #disorder #PTSD

#NewYork #State #medical #marijuana #post-traumatic #stress #disorder #PTSD

https://www.forbes.com/sites/debraborchardt/2017/05/11/new-york-state-adds-ptsd-to-medical-marijuana-program-will-menstrual-cramps-be-next/#762be6b01108 New York State has one of the most restrictive medical marijuana programs in the country, but it may be starting to loosen up. The state appears to be following in the footsteps of Ohio where there is a number of growing dispensaries. These can be found at ohdispensaries.com. A bi-partisan bill that would add…