MSD Standard: The organisation promotes client-centred practice

MSD Standard: The organisation promotes client-centred practice

The organisation involves its clients and stakeholders in planning, implementation, and evaluation at all levels of the service to ensure services are current and responsive. Evidence may include: policies and procedures relating to client participation in service development and review policies that support the rights of clients; for example, unimpeded access to personal items recognition…

Peer Support Services | Comcare Trust Comcare’s Community Support Work offers assistance with the activities that form part of an individual’s daily life.   Support Workers assist with areas such as financial management, relationship building with friends and family, taking first steps back to an active life and work, managing the demands of children and a home, developing workable routines around…

Presbyterian Support New Zealand (National Office)

Collectively, the seven Presbyterian Support organisations are one of the largest providers of a range of social services in New Zealand. We work with older people, people with disabilities, families at risk, children and young people. Services we provide include residential care, home care, community care and support, day/activity programmes, social work support, counselling, employment…