Electronics engineering and the terms “master” and “slave”

Electronics engineering and the terms “master” and “slave”

https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/8x7akv/masterslave-terminology-was-removed-from-python-programming-language?utm_source=mbtwitter “For diversity reasons, it would be nice to try to avoid ‘master’ and ‘slave’ terminology, which can be associated with slavery,” Victor Stinner, a developer with the open source software company Red Hat, wrote. Stinner cited multiple private complaints in the thread as the reason for requesting the change. Unsurprisingly, the change request resulted…

Missionary saves Auckland teenager sold into sexual slavery

Missionary saves Auckland teenager sold into sexual slavery

The Jehovah’s Witness met Kasmeer Lata’s daughter while she was knocking on doors in the teenager’s neighbourhood. RNZ understands the pair formed a friendship and attended church together before the offending happened. After the teenager was forced to have sex about 1000 times for money over a 18-month period, she reconnected with the Jehovah’s Witness…