Harmful Digital Communications (Unauthorised Posting of Intimate Visual Recording) Amendment Bill

Harmful Digital Communications (Unauthorised Posting of Intimate Visual Recording) Amendment Bill

http://www.legislation.govt.nz/bill/member/2020/0305/6.0/whole.html Posting a digital communication of an intimate visual recording online, often referred to as revenge pornography, is a form of sexual exploitation that involves the intentional, non-consensual disclosure of intimate visual recordings of another person who is either naked, exposed, or engaged in an intimate sexual activity. The personal cost of this public humiliation…

Select Committee Report – 9 June 2020 Sexual Violence Legislation Bill

Select Committee Report – 9 June 2020 Sexual Violence Legislation Bill

https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/bills-and-laws/bills-proposed-laws/document/BILL_93010/sexual-violence-legislation-bill Recommendation The Justice Committee has examined the Sexual Violence Legislation Bill. The committee is unable to agree to recommend that it be passed in its current form. The committee does recommend the amendments as detailed in this report. Labour Party members support the bill and the amendments. National Party members have reservations about two…