Why women ( & men ) don’t report sexual violence

Why women ( & men ) don’t report sexual violence

https://blogs.psychcentral.com/psychology-women/2018/10/6-big-reasons-women-dont-report-sexual-abuse-right-away/ Our circle of existence limits us and those around us. If you have never been attacked, or you don’t have a ton of experience hearing from and witnessing the experiences of friends and intimates who are victims, that absence of personal experience limits the accuracy of your view. Also, if your religion or culture…

I never told anyone for decades

I never told anyone for decades

https://youtu.be/8o_QQ3qGryM https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12129916 I remember leaving afterward, driving home, the night around me glittered with streetlights and alive with people out at dinner or bars. I felt alone, ashamed and disgusted with myself. Why didn’t I get out of there? Why didn’t I push him off? Why did I freeze? I don’t remember what month it…

False accusations damage genuine survivors

False accusations damage genuine survivors

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jul/03/man-who-said-he-was-victim-of-vip-child-sex-abuse-ring-charged The man whose claims of a VIP paedophile ring sparked a £2m Scotland Yard investigation targeting pillars of the establishment has been charged with 12 counts of lying to detectives and receiving £22,000 in compensation through fraud. The claims by “Nick”, made first in the media and then to detectives, led to the Metropolitan…