Domestic Sex Trafficking – A Survivor’s Perspective | Karly Church | TEDxOshawaED

Domestic Sex Trafficking – A Survivor’s Perspective | Karly Church | TEDxOshawaED

As she defines what domestic sex trafficking is, Karly talks about the stages of exploitation while drawing upon her personal experiences. Karly helps educators understand how they can help elicit change. Karly Church is a Crisis Intervention Counselor, Social Service Worker, and advocate for survivors of domestic sex trafficking. She has worked the front line…

Trafficking in Persons Report 2016

[pdf-embedder url=””] New Zealand is a destination country for foreign men and women subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking and a source country for children subjected to sex trafficking within the country. Foreign men and women from China, India, the Philippines, countries in the Pacific and Latin America, South Africa, and the United Kingdom…

Commercial sexual exploitation of children – eroticization of children by the media Although the greatest number of children forced to work as prostitutes is in Asia, Eastern European children from countries such as Russia, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic, are increasingly unwilling victims. As a social and pathological phenomenon, prostitution involving children does not show signs of abating. In many cases, not only individual…