Learning to Feel Better
http://bit.ly/33kaf7l Look at your own life, and see what you have been avoiding. Maybe you have been postponing a difficult conversation with a loved one because it would make you feel uncomfortable. Or maybe you have been avoiding a task at work because it makes you feel stupid and incompetent. Whatever you have been avoiding,…
Brené Brown’s “The Power of Vulnerability”
http://bit.ly/2xZL4Jw Brown says perfectionism is, “the belief that if we live perfectly, look perfectly and act perfectly, we can avoid the pain of blame, judgment and shame.” Perfectionism isn’t about growth, improvement, or personal achievement, it’s about fear and avoidance. Therefore, what you should really be focused on is realizing excellence, the best version of…
Latest Self Help Best Seller
The cover photo of my new book, Men So Damaged Inside That They Can’t Even Enjoy Being President And The Women Who Hate Them pic.twitter.com/qnl8szxuyb — (((Jeff Tiedrich))) (@jefftiedrich) January 22, 2017