Walking in William Booth’s shoes

Could you walk a day in William Booth's shoes? These are on display at #Boundless2015 pic.twitter.com/5Spba0sKxS — SalArmyMidland (@SalArmyMidland) July 2, 2015 William Booth (10 April 1829 – 20 August 1912) was a British Methodist preacher who founded The Salvation Army and became its first General (1878–1912). The Christian movement with a quasi-military structure and…

@SalvationArmyNZ stands down worker, notifies police

Police investigate @SalvationArmyNZ worker in teen sex case. http://t.co/n9mbWRkcks — Stuff.co.nz News (@NZStuff) October 14, 2014 A Wellington Salvation Army worker is under police investigation after allegations of sexual contact with a teenage client. Police and the Salvation Army have both confirmed the investigation into the man’s relationship with a 15-year-old girl. Salvation Army’s central…