Time to address their own failings in the relationship

Time to address their own failings in the relationship

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201702/be-responsible-your-relationships If you don’t accept responsibility for your relationships, and you are unhappy in one or more, look to yourself first. It’s very easy to blame someone else for your uncomfortable feelings, so be sure to look at how you may have contributed to whatever is upsetting you at the moment. All relationships take nurturing…

INCEL: Prefer blaming  to reconsidering their ineffective strategies.

INCEL: Prefer blaming to reconsidering their ineffective strategies.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/shadow-boxing/201804/contagious-hate The group is “Incels,” which means involuntary celibates. It seems that some frustrated males have banded together on websites to complain about their lack of success with women and their hatred of female power. One person uploaded a picture of Minassian and wrote, “The incel revolution has begun.” Another wrote: “Alek Minassian. Spread that…