Psychoanalysis: the dynamics of power in the therapeutic relationship

Psychoanalysis: the dynamics of power in the therapeutic relationship In the United States, psychoanalysis has evolved under the influence of a number of characteristic American attitudes including a tendency towards optimism, and the philosophy of American egalitarianism. Another important factor is that many of today’s leading analysts came of age during the cultural revolution in the 1960’s — a time when traditional social…

Ghosting your way out a relationship

Ghosting your way out a relationship Not surprisingly, most people found ghosting to be an unacceptable way to end a relationship. However, how acceptable people found it to be depended on the type of relationship. In the first study, 28 percent of respondents felt it was acceptable to ghost after just one date, whereas only 4.7 percent felt that it…

What Makes an Intimate Relationship Intimate?

What Makes an Intimate Relationship Intimate? Care is another hallmark of healthy intimate relationships. There is a considerable amount of care each partner places in the other, and this differs from the care that one would typically display to another, non-intimate person. Intimate partners thus show concern for each other’s well being, comfort in times of distress, and safekeeping the…

#Rejection #Less #Choosy #Romantic #Relationship

#Rejection #Less #Choosy #Romantic #Relationship

Rejection has a ‘direct and fast’ influence on what we desire in a romantic partner, study finds — (@PsyPost) August 3, 2017 “All of this suggests that the feedback we receive within the dating world regarding how desirable we are as a potential partner has a direct and fast influence on the quality…

5 tips to help resolve conflict in your relationship

RT @ItsNotOK_NZ: There is conflict in every relationship. 5 tips to help resolve conflict in your relationship. – MSD Govt NZ (@msdgovtnz) September 13, 2015 Set Boundaries. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect – even during an argument. If your partner curses at you, calls you names or ridicules you, tell them to…