Male migrants raped and sexually abused as routinely as women

Male migrants raped and sexually abused as routinely as women

It is in Libya, from where some migrants try to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, that a lot of sexual abuse takes place, the study claimed.Migrants who cannot cross the sea are put in detention centres by the Libyan coastguard where they then face more abuse, it added. They are filmed while tortured and the…

Fascism happens when a culture fracturing along social lines is encouraged to unite against a perceived external threat

Fascism happens when a culture fracturing along social lines is encouraged to unite against a perceived external threat The behaviour of the British and wider European elite towards migrants is not simple inhumanity. It is strategic inhumanity. It is weaponised inhumanity designed to convince populations fracturing under hammer-blows of austerity and economic chaos that the enemy is out there, that there is an “us” that must be protected from “them”. There is…