#DefenceForce #failing #providecare #navalofficer #raped

#DefenceForce #failing #providecare #navalofficer #raped

http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/91957430/obnoxious-defence-force-slammed-over-failing-to-provide-care-for-former-naval-officer-raped-while-on-duty The New Zealand Attorney-General and the British Ministry of Defence wanted her case heard in Britain where the alleged rape took place – but she couldn’t afford to pursue the case in the UK. In a decision released this week, Justice Simon France chucked-out the Attorney-General’s argument, ruling the woman’s case can be heard…

Men Are Raped Almost as Often as Women in America

Men Are Raped Almost as Often as Women in America. We Need to Talk About This. http://t.co/kVOcOxHDdf via @slate — MaleSurvivor (@MaleSurvivorORG) September 15, 2015 Last year the National Crime Victimization Survey turned up a remarkable statistic. In asking 40,000 households about rape and sexual violence, the survey uncovered that 38 percent of incidents were…