“I can’t see Māori representation, yet the opening address is about Māori in jail,” he said.

“I can’t see Māori representation, yet the opening address is about Māori in jail,” he said.

https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/national/colonisation-racism-main-drivers-of-maori-in-prisons-report/ Māori make up just over half of the country’s prison population, while making up just 15 per cent of the general population. The report argued to put Māori perspectives at the centre of justice policy. “No policy should be decided by elected representatives without the full and direct participation of members of the group[s]…

77% of those in prisons have been victims of family or sexual violence

77% of those in prisons have been victims of family or sexual violence

77% of those in prisons have been victims of family or sexual violence, @actionstation's @laura_oc_rapira told us. Here are excerpts of our discussion with her & Justice Minister @AndrewLittleMP on prison reform. pic.twitter.com/ikKvufSzpl — Morning Report (@NZMorningReport) August 23, 2018

Prison employees experience PTSD on par with Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans

Prison employees experience PTSD on par with Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans

https://www.news-medical.net/news/20180713/Prison-employees-experience-PTSD-on-par-with-war-veterans-study-finds.aspx Prison employees experience PTSD on par with Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, a new study from a Washington State University College of Nursing researcher found. Working conditions in a prison can include regular exposure to violence and trauma, and threats of harm to the workers and their families. Previous studies have shown that prison…

#Prison #double #bunking #sexual #assualt

#Prison #double #bunking #sexual #assualt

http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/335736/prisoners-lodge-complaints-of-sexual-assault-by-cellmates The Department of Corrections released the data to RNZ under the Official Information Act, following the sentencing of Stephen Mark Gotty for a sex attack. Gotty, a repeat sex offender, was allowed to choose his cellmate, and he sexually attacked the 19-year-old once their cell door was locked on their first night. According to…