MSA: Equity & Access Policy

The Male Survivors Aotearoa (‘MSA’) Equity & Access Policy (‘Policy’) provides guidelines for peer-workers (both employees and volunteers), trustees and advisors working for the national organisation or MSA Member Organisations (‘MMO’s). The purpose of the Policy is to ensure that MSA and MMO’s provide information and services that are appropriate and accessible to people with…

#California #Denmark #LowRecidivism #Criminal #Justice #Policy

#California #Denmark #LowRecidivism #Criminal #Justice #Policy Every few days another piece of research evidence or personal testimony heaps criticism on the ineffectiveness of our prison system in reducing reoffending. The latest is Corrections’ failure to meet its 2017 goal of reducing reoffending by 25%: there has only been a 4.5% reduction. Taxpayers now spend a whopping $100,000 per year to…