Law change can’t change the fact we do have very violent people in society “Sex work was decriminalised to improve occupational safety and health of sex workers and ensure they had access to such things to come forward when terrible situations occurred. “[But] one law change can’t change the fact we do have very violent people in society.” Bullman, who was working the same night Sutherland was murdered,…

We should lift the scab on sexual abuse

We should lift the scab on sexual abuse The Government should use this opportunity to look into the failings of the state to respond to institutionalised abuse. That would open up the inquiry to look at all institutions that failed in their responsibility to care for their children, and the governmental response once they knew about the abuse. That, in turn, would…

Low-key approach to national identity.

Low-key approach to national identity. “The Prime Minister is actually a prime example of how far our values had shifted. She’s having her first baby at 37, with someone she is not married to, and is a working mum.” It was a significant shift from the previous homogeneous generations that reflected our British and Irish origins, he said. “In…

Most kiwis positive about Chinese culture

Most kiwis positive about Chinese culture

Most kiwis positive about Chinese culture – NZ China Council boss — RNZ News (@rnz_news) August 26, 2018 The council’s executive director, Stephen Jacobi said the findings were encouraging overall. “One might have thought that there was a much larger percentage of New Zealanders who harboured reservations about this relationship and that is not…

NZ 4th most democratic country

NZ 4th most democratic country

These are world's most democratic countries, according to the Economist #democracy — World Economic Forum (@wef) February 21, 2018 The US’s declining status is primarily due to a significant fall in people’s trust in the functioning of public institutions, a trend that was well established before the election of President Donald Trump. Other…

We should lift the scab on sexual abuse

We should lift the scab on sexual abuse The Government should use this opportunity to look into the failings of the state to respond to institutionalised abuse. That would open up the inquiry to look at all institutions that failed in their responsibility to care for their children, and the governmental response once they knew about the abuse. That, in turn, would…

NZ tenth on Social Progress Index (SPI),

NZ tenth on Social Progress Index (SPI),

The most competitive countries are also the most progressive — World Economic Forum (@wef) February 19, 2018 For example, returning back to the mismatch between respective levels of GDP per capita and GCI ranks for Kuwait and New Zealand, SPI reveals that although, as mentioned, Kuwait enjoys significantly more wealth per person, New…

NZ 4th most democratic country

NZ 4th most democratic country

By Kamalthebest – Own work, derived from File:BlankMap-World-Microstates.svg, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link   Democracy Index by country (2016)[edit] Listing by country is available on The Economist website.[1] Democracy Index 2016 Rank Country Score Electoral process and pluralism Functioning of government Political participation Political culture Civil liberties Category 1  Norway 9.93 10.00 9.64 10.00 10.00 10.00 Full democracy…