Don’t Wait, Do it Now

Don’t Wait, Do it Now Life expectancy at birth, total population, by sex, 1950–52 to 2012–14 Year of Birth Male Female 1950-52 67.19 71.29 1955-57 68.02 73 1960-62 68.44 73.75 1965-67 68.19 74.3 1970-72 68.55 74.6 1975-77 69.01 75.45 1980-82 70.36 76.43 1985-87 71.11 77.1 1990-92 72.86 78.74 1995-97 74.41 79.67 2000-02 76.33 81.11 2005-07 78.04 82.16 2012-14 79.48…

Staying in control reduces impact of  trauma on mortality

Staying in control reduces impact of trauma on mortality When looking at the role that perceived control played in mortality, results showed that the impact of trauma was much less for people reporting high levels of mastery (belief in one’s ability to achieve a goal). As well, participants reporting higher levels of perceived constraints (belief in external forces beyond one’s control) were also…

What Man Understands That He Is Dying Daily? There’s nothing like having a kid to make you acutely aware of your own mortality. As Jerry Seinfeld observed when he had kids, “Make no mistake about why these babies are here – they are here to replace us.” It’s amazing to look at a baby and realize he is a completely new person,…