#Mental #Abuse #Hurts #Children #Physical #Abuse

#Mental #Abuse #Hurts #Children #Physical #Abuse

Scientific literature has described psychological abuse over two-and-a-half decades ago, yet MacMillan states that it has remained under-recognized and under-reported and that the impact of psychological child abuse “can be as harmful as other types of maltreatment.” Psychological maltreatment has an impact on the development of children. Psychological abuse is therefore associated with various problems,…

#Mental #Abuse #Hurts #Children #Physical #Abuse

#Mental #Abuse #Hurts #Children #Physical #Abuse

Scientific literature has described psychological abuse over two-and-a-half decades ago, yet MacMillan states that it has remained under-recognized and under-reported and that the impact of psychological child abuse “can be as harmful as other types of maltreatment.” Psychological maltreatment has an impact on the development of children. Psychological abuse is therefore associated with various problems,…

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

ArchDaily: Clearing The Mind: Björk Explains Walking’s Benefits For Mental Health And The Creative Process. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwy__o3jU Walking is much more than covering a certain distance by foot. It is also one of the most basic tools to achieve what is commonly referred to as “clearing the mind.” Walking is a free resource, easily accessible and…

#Worst #Parts #About #Mental #Illness

#Worst #Parts #About #Mental #Illness

HuffPost: Shannon Purser Nails One Of The Worst Parts About Mental Illness. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw_-SU3jU http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/shannon-purser-mental-health_us_5991da2fe4b08a2472764a3e?ncid=NEWSSTAND0001 “When I’m mentally unwell, it just becomes so exhausting to do much of anything,” she wrote. “Especially talking to people about what I’m feeling.” Purser’s tweet succinctly sums a truth that likely sounds familiar to people living with mental health conditions:…

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

ArchDaily: Clearing The Mind: Björk Explains Walking’s Benefits For Mental Health And The Creative Process. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwy__o3jU Walking is much more than covering a certain distance by foot. It is also one of the most basic tools to achieve what is commonly referred to as “clearing the mind.” Walking is a free resource, easily accessible and…

#Rift #Experts #Analyzing #Trump #Mental #Health

#Rift #Experts #Analyzing #Trump #Mental #Health

CNN: A rift among experts over analyzing Trump’s mental health. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwpvXZyDU http://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/26/health/mental-health-association-debate-trump/index.html Two professional mental health associations — the American Psychoanalytic Association, known as the APsaA, and the American Psychiatric Association, known as the APA — have opposite opinions about what would be ethical, and what is not. If members want to share their educated…

#JohnCurtin #Australia #greatest #leader #mental #illness

#JohnCurtin #Australia #greatest #leader #mental #illness

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/29/julia-gillard-the-stigma-around-mental-health-nearly-cost-australia-its-greatest-leader?CMP=share_btn_tw His contemporary and nemesis, Winston Churchill, famously borrowed Samuel Johnson’s expression to describe his own depression as ‘the black dog’. Churchill could be so overwhelmed by depression he would spend days, even weeks, in bed, fatigued and disinterested, unable to concentrate. These dark periods happened multiple times over many decades. When he wasn’t depressed,…

#Mental #Health #Disorders #Misunderstood

#Mental #Health #Disorders #Misunderstood

http://www.cheatsheet.com/health-fitness/misunderstood-mental-health-disorders.html/?a=viewall Obsessive-compulsive disorder When most people think of obsessive-compulsive disorder, they think of someone who’s a total neat-freak or perfectionist. In reality, OCD is much more than a quirky tic, habit, or desire to be perfect. “Symptoms of OCD can range from what we’ve seen on television — like obsessive washing of hands or arranging…