gentle woman with flower in hair under blue sky

At What Age Does Mental Illness Start?

Across all mental disorders, the average age of onset was 14.5 years. At What Age Does Mental Illness Start? | Psychology Today Knowing at what age mental illness typically starts is highly important information for psychologists. When it is known when a disorder typically starts, early prevention measures and early interventions can be conducted at…

A scientific approach to mental health at work

A scientific approach to mental health at work

Until we publish the full findings from this research later this year, here are a few examples of what we’ve learned: Flexible working can reduce work-life conflict, which can be a major source of stress, depression and anxiety. But the uptake of flexible working often depends on the amount of support from managers and the…

Teenager Sleeping While Studying

Teenagers, sleep is especially critical

“Getting enough sleep is important for all of us ¬¬- it helps our physical and mental health, boosts our immunity, and ensures we can function well on a daily basis,” Dr Agostini¬ says. “But for teenagers, sleep is especially critical because they’re at an age where they’re going through a whole range of physical, social,…

How to stay safe and sane during coronavirus isolation

How to stay safe and sane during coronavirus isolation, according to science via @thenextweb – Better Blokes (@BetterBlokesNZ) April 4, 2020 Structure your day For some people, self-isolation might still lead to some mild mental health issues. We know from people who have spent a winter in a polar research station that longer-term isolation…

Peer support groups show promise in helping men facing mental health problems

Peer support groups show promise in helping men facing mental health problems

Q: You’ve said that men will go to therapy but they tend to only stay with it for a session or two. Why? A: The literature is clear that men stop going to psychotherapy after one or two visits. For a number of reasons, it hasn’t served them well. Sitting down for 50 minutes of…

Mental Health Commission – effective peer support services

Given choice in match of peer worker Focus is on achievement of personal goals Social inclusion/community integration, employment, education, training are considered Support given to strengthen or reconnect with key relationships Increasing empowerment and self-advocacy Can feedback on satisfaction with the service Increased motivation [pdf-embedder url=””]

Adolescents’ technology usage did not predict later mental health problems After collecting 13,017 total observations over 5,270 study days, the study’s authors found that adolescents’ technology usage did not predict later mental health problems. Their mental health was also no different on the days they used more screen time than on the days they used less. Even the kids who were at risk for…

Myth: It’s too late to change the habits of a lifetime This myth is a close relative of the “old dog” one. Again the amount of evidence available on the benefits in older age of regular exercise, healthy eating, keeping your brain active, and staying connected to other people is almost overwhelming. Despite this, many older adults think it’s too late to adopt a healthy…

Mental health service on hold during clinical psychologists’ strike About 600 clinical psychologists are refusing to work overtime for six weeks as they negotiate with the country’s 17 district health boards for increased pay. Auckland District Health Board said one of its after-hours talking therapy groups for children and adolescents cannot run. Director of provider services Joanne Gibbs said while rescheduling has been…