ethnic bearded man with prayer beads near rough temple wall

What is precarious manhood? Precarious manhood refers to the fragile nature of traditional masculinity. Traditional masculinity, as a form of social status, is more easily threatened than femininity. It is more insecure and precarious, and not easy to achieve or maintain. Manhood is “hard-won and easily lost.” A real man cannot simply be: He must repeatedly prove his…

“I had fought to prove I was a man, and I was never going to give that up.”

“I had fought to prove I was a man, and I was never going to give that up.”

I had fought to prove I was a man, and I was never going to give that up.One weekday evening, as the weak winter sun gave up the fight against a bitter wind and savage little blasts of freezing rain, I sat on a bench after footy practice with Don, who played in my team….