#Female #Sex #Offenders #More #Common

#Female #Sex #Offenders #More #Common

The Independent: Female sex offenders are more common than you think, reveals study. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw0YWguDU http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/female-sex-offenders-more-common-gender-bias-statistics-rape-abuse-a7839361.html Published in Aggression and Violent Behaviour, the researchers stress that while they are in no way intending to minimise the impact of sexual violence perpetrated by men, that their results are vital when considering “stereotypes between sexual victimisation and gender.”…

#Female #Sex #Offenders #More #Common

#Female #Sex #Offenders #More #Common

The Independent: Female sex offenders are more common than you think, reveals study. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw0YWguDU http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/female-sex-offenders-more-common-gender-bias-statistics-rape-abuse-a7839361.html Published in Aggression and Violent Behaviour, the researchers stress that while they are in no way intending to minimise the impact of sexual violence perpetrated by men, that their results are vital when considering “stereotypes between sexual victimisation and gender.”…