calm female couple lying in water

Increase Relationship Intimacy In Our Stressful Times This study found that communicating and describing to your partner what you’re aiming for or seeking — it may concern your personal goals, your work, your desires – tends to evoke the same desires in your partner, in his or her own way. And that creates a greater sense of connection. However, the research,…

Trust is a fragile flower Early in a romantic relationship, our emotional and sexual attraction is often strong. We may be baffled about why it fades over time, perhaps concluding that this isn’t the right partner. Our dissatisfaction and confusion may prompt us to end the relationship or stray mindlessly into an affair. One reason that our attraction may…

#Lonley #Not #Loser #Intimate #Connection

#Lonley #Not #Loser #Intimate #Connection

Admitting you are lonely is not admitting you are a loser. Admitting to feeling emotional pain is authentic and… — The Good Men Project (@GoodMenProject) August 3, 2017 Admitting you are lonely is not admitting you are a loser. Admitting to feeling emotional pain is authentic and vulnerable, and such an honest self-confrontation is…

Tinder and intimacy

Apps like Tinder are letting men dial in sex as if they were ordering in pizza, says Deborah Hill Cone — nzherald (@nzherald) August 16, 2015 If I do, tough. Because one thing I know for certain is it’s a phoney sophisticated pose to pretend you don’t really hunger for intimacy and connection. That…