#Trump #hypocrisy #Franken

#Trump #hypocrisy #Franken

http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/360984-trump-risks-hypocrisy-charges-with-franken-attack Trump’s senior aides and advisers have been swamped with questions about why the president is comfortable attacking Franken when more than a dozen women have made similar accusations about him. And Trump’s critics are howling about a double standard, pointing to the “Access Hollywood” tape and noting that the president has stopped short of…

#Irony #Trump #Melania #Women #Fighting#Sexual #Assault

#Irony #Trump #Melania #Women #Fighting#Sexual #Assault

Melania Trump today awarded women fighting for enviro, free press, disabled, against sexual assault. Oh, the irony. https://t.co/tHy10YCJuG pic.twitter.com/igP4EY60N4 — The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) March 29, 2017 “President Trump and his administration are committed to expanding opportunities for women and girls domestically across the globe,” said Shannon, who was there because Secretary of State Rex…

We like our older women invisible and devoid of sexuality

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/brogan-driscoll/madonna-met-gala_b_9827558.html?section=women&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000050 According to a HuffPost UK Met Gala style report, “nearly naked” outfits were the look of the night. But while teens and 20-somethings have been widely applauded for showing some skin, the treatment of Madonna’s outfit screams double standards and ageism. After all, we can deal with female nudity, as long as a) we…