There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness Littlejohn says: ‘There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness, and what we’re doing at the village is developing a viable alternative to the unsupported, substandard and expensive temporary accommodation models that are prevalent within the homelessness system.’ Michael will be among the first to enter the community. ‘I would like to participate in social life…

Finland only EU country not in middle of  homelessness crisis

Finland only EU country not in middle of homelessness crisis

Finland has practically ended homelessness — The Independent (@Independent) March 4, 2018 Finland even goes as far as assigning individual support to sort out the issues that have led to the person becoming homeless. This is a complete reversal of what other countries do and although it might sound simple, it’s also incredibly effective….

No sympathy for the homeless But Trump was not empathetic to these wounded warriors’ plight, at least not on Fifth Avenue. He saw them and their vending as an eyesore. The Daily Beast published its own report on Trump’s efforts to get the veterans booted from this tony part of Manhattan, quoting Trump’s letter as reading: “While disabled veterans…

Homeless baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1965. Growing numbers of Kiwis risk becoming homeless in old age because of falling home ownership rates, rising rents and static housing subsidies, the Salvation Army says. Homeless Baby Boomers, a hard-hitting report by the army’s social policy unit, says superannuitants in private rentals will jump almost four-fold from 61,000 in 2013 to 237,000 by…

Daisy-May Hudson: ‘Being homeless came as a big shock’ | Society | The Guardian Hudson’s mother has worked for most of her life in various low-paying jobs while juggling childcare, but it was never enough to save, as well as meet outgoings, she says. So, it quickly became apparent that putting down a deposit and paying rent on any other privately rented homes in the area was completely…

Emergency housing funding ‘just a band-aid’‘just-a-band-aid’ A Whangarei housing trust points to a desperate situation in Northland. Te Tai Tokerau Emergency Housing Trust chairperson Adrian Whale said it turned away two families a day because it did not have enough beds on offer. He said it was heartwrenching to say no. “That’s what really breaks the hearts of the staff….

Homeless women find sexual violence part of life on the street Abuse erodes women’s self-esteem and leaves them more vulnerable to exploitation if they manage to run away and end up homeless, said Judith Benitez, deputy director for transitional housing at the network, based in Washington, D.C. “It’s like a carousel,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what horse you get on, you’ll end up going…