Te Whāriki Takapou – successful sexual and reproductive health promotion with Māori

Characteristics of successful sexual and reproductive health promotion with Māori In the four sections that follow, the characteristics of successful sexual and reproductivehealth promotion with Māori, drawn from selected literature, are elaborated in relationto each of the four elements of the Pōhiri model. The elements are: Pōhiri – Planning and relationship-building; Harirū – Partnership; Hākari…

Huffington Post – When Sleepiness Becomes Narcolepsy

Huffington Post – When Sleepiness Becomes Narcolepsy

The signs of narcolepsy aren’t always obvious, despite how the condition is popularly portrayed. While the most evident symptom is daytime sleepiness, narcoleptic patients might also experience other symptoms. One of these is cataplexy — muscle weakness that is brief and usually triggered by emotional stimuli such as laughter, surprise or anger. Other symptoms include…

69% of Auckland’s bike riders stopping to visit local shops

69% of Auckland’s bike riders stopping to visit local shops

Stopping for coffee? 69% of Auckland’s bike riders are stopping to visit local shops, cafés and do other errands on their way to their destination. See what other places people are riding to in our 2018 Active Modes Research: https://t.co/27h7LWRWNw ☕ ? #AKLBikeLife pic.twitter.com/K8cZ8e0N83 — Auckland Transport (@AklTransport) June 25, 2018

Emotion is not based on sound science

Emotion is not based on sound science

https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/103375270/can-christchurch-prevent-permanent-chlorination-after-havelock-north-epidemic But Rabbitts argues that Havelock North has taught us much more about the potential risks to water supplies and that for Christchurch to somehow be exempted from mandatory chlorination, it would need to do much more than its current $21.5 million programme of upgrading and repairing 103 compromised well-heads. He says the council’s policy…

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

ArchDaily: Clearing The Mind: Björk Explains Walking’s Benefits For Mental Health And The Creative Process. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwy__o3jU Walking is much more than covering a certain distance by foot. It is also one of the most basic tools to achieve what is commonly referred to as “clearing the mind.” Walking is a free resource, easily accessible and…

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

#Walking #Benefits #Mental #Health #Creative #Process

ArchDaily: Clearing The Mind: Björk Explains Walking’s Benefits For Mental Health And The Creative Process. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwy__o3jU Walking is much more than covering a certain distance by foot. It is also one of the most basic tools to achieve what is commonly referred to as “clearing the mind.” Walking is a free resource, easily accessible and…