#’Goldwater Rule’ #Bar #Psychiatrists #Commenting #Trump

#’Goldwater Rule’ #Bar #Psychiatrists #Commenting #Trump

NPR: ‘Goldwater Rule’ Still In Place Barring Many Psychiatrists From Commenting On Trump. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw2-yt6zk http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/07/25/539238529/goldwater-rule-still-in-place-barring-many-psychiatrists-from-commenting-on-trum?ft=nprml&f=1001 The 37,000 members of the American Psychiatric Association, on the other hand, do remain bound by the Goldwater rule. This has spurred one psychoanalyst, who has called into question Trump’s emotional stability, to resign from the group in protest. Dr….